EL exp statistics calc

use the command #exp in console and paste the result into the textarea.

Attack: level 76, 10512747/11138128 exp (625381 to go)
Defense: level 79, 12759046/13644683 exp (885637 to go)
Harvest: level 74, 9251239/9728473 exp (477234 to go)
Alchemy: level 76, 10985875/11138128 exp (152253 to go)
Magic: level 50, 1844721/1917941 exp (73220 to go)
Potion: level 69, 6648044/6936269 exp (288225 to go)
Summoning: level 18, 25505/30538 exp (5033 to go)
Manufacturing: level 35, 523059/539507 exp (16448 to go)
Crafting: level 47, 1535717/1565613 exp (29896 to go)
Engineering: level 24, 82593/98780 exp (16187 to go)
Tailoring: level 17, 19307/23491 exp (4184 to go)
Ranging: level 20, 46906/47638 exp (732 to go)
Overall: level 103, 52191385/53143629 exp (952244 to go)



created by zalic as a responce to a forum thread in EL forums.

Chart provided by Google Chart API

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